Brothers or Brethren, should have asked a Polish person!

Bracia is a short film that I AD'd that I have no doubt is going to be one of the best looking projects in my year. However, what I learned afterwards brings me joy as well - the name of the film, the final lines, denote that the name means brothers. Talking to a friend about this, it does not. Ah, the joys of filmmaking are the same on both large sets and small.

Bracia was a really nice learning point for me. I interacted with the DP a lot for the shots as the Director was incredibly character focussed, and he was performing lighting set-ups that I had helped with before on previous shoots so I was able to advise when he was struggling. This aid led to a really nice working relationship where he became aware of my role as well and made sure to do time checks and be aware that in certain shots he would be sacrificing one later down the line.


Spiders, on a Plane?!


The Film that should have Been a Crime Drama