The Film that should have Been a Crime Drama

Ohh, I loved this film, but god you know that feeling when you watch a film or read a script and you just go - this could be better. In this way. But it's been written to what the distributer wants, and so it has to be like this.

Mega Lightning 2 is good. From what I could tell during production at least. The DP was the 1st AC to my 2nd on Snake Hotel and is incredibly talented, and he grew into being a DP more on this set than some people that call themselves DP are. The Production team in general was amazing - I love working with these people and it is always fun on set with them. Honestly, absolutely no complaints apart from I returned to my parents home after filming - filming in Kent means I see my parents in Kent - and my bedroom had burned down. Not the house, just my bedroom. And they hadn't told me.

This film also led me to my first premiere! It was amazing - Dr Jeckyll, not yet released. It was good - whoever is reading this should go and give it a watch when it comes out. The afterparty I had with the other invitees afterwards was also incredibly fun, they're all such lovely people and we had a great time networking and chatting.


Brothers or Brethren, should have asked a Polish person!


Painting Sunsets