
You can guess the name of the film here, but I'll mention it just incase: Pterodactyl 2. And what did we have to teach one of the actresses on-set? How to say it; hint: the P is silent.

This was an easy set, and my first time being Production Manager. I started enhancing my Microsoft skills immensely for it to create a strong travel and accommodation plan for all crew, cast, and SAs that would also transport people as cheaply as possible. Another issue I had to deal with was budget - as the person in charge of all Props and SFX for the film with a tiny budget I had to figure out how to get things cheaply that looked good and make decisions on what was essential and what was not.

It was intense and worked my brain in ways I had not used it for in a while, but my work from that point has been easier as I have started understanding the roles and requirements alongside the needs of the people I am organising.


Kicking the Bucket


Haze or Vape?