And How do I turn a Camera on?

The Easter Bunny Massacre: The Bloody Trail. Another horror. I guess that was where my career was headed at that moment? A lot of new things happened on this set. Working in the camera team - 2nd AC - is one of those things. As someone who had rarely held a camera in recent months, never mind being a part of camera team, this was an insane experience.

This film was a rollover from the previous one, and when I got to set they told me that it wasn't as a spark they wanted me, but as their 2nd AC.


I had never even boarded before, I didn't know about camera... Or did I? What had I just learned, to always say yes and do your best.

So, yeah. I could be an AC, and I'd do a damn good job! Even if I asked one morning why we didn't take the camera batteries off each night to charge and I had to be told that was my job...

Most importantly, I learned. I learned enough that I got employed as a 2nd AC again…


Snake Hotel


The Set that made me Hate Film