Years in a Day

This, this is where my narrative development stepped across that boundary and started its quest. Years in a Year was a poignant project written, directed, and shot by the wonderfully talented Jojo Bossman. It was also the first project that I have ever been an Assistant Director on, and it showed me a side of filmmaking that my heart set itself upon.

We had three days for this project including set-up, and with the same location being used to show a year this meant a lot of time had to be devoted to set-dressing. I was also the runner for the set considering I had a car, meaning that I couldn’t always be there to keep things on track.

We also ran into the unexpected problem during one of our outdoor scenes of the day cycling through all four seasons - heavy sun, rainfall, snow, and strong gusts of wind. If we had know in advance, we could have utilised these seasons to really impact the film! Unfortunately, instead it meant the character would be arriving at the house on a glorious sunny day looking absolutely drenched. We were able to circumnavigate the weather easily enough, but it was annoying!

Scheduling this shoot, working on all the moving parts, supporting the director with their needs, all of these things appealed to my brain. The intensity of seeing what you’ve planned for on page go tits up due to something as simple as unforeseen weather (and I do say unforeseen, checking for sun and getting rain is one thing, having it change every few minutes so you can’t even roll with the punches easily is another entirely!) and needing to constantly reassemble your plans in your head is incredible. I definitely found my spot!


